Your feedback helps the Curriculum Committee evaluate and improve the courses that LLI offers. The committee appreciates your taking the time to provide your feedback and especially values your comments explaining your numerical rating.
If you wish to receive a copy of your evaluation please include your email address at the bottom of this form.
Select the course that you are evaluating. Please submit a separate evaluation for each course that you have attended. Attendees of multi presenter courses 2C and 3C will receive a separate evaluation form.
Class Content
Overall, what was your level of satisfaction with the course content? Some questions to consider could be: Did this course meet the expectations you had when you read the catalog description? Was it suited to the audience? Did you find the idea clear and the progression of ideas easy to follow?
Select a rating from 1-10 with 1 indicating "very poor" and 10 indicating "outstanding". 0 indicates no rating.
Overall, what was your level of satisfaction with the presenter? Some questions to consider:
Did you find the presenter was well prepared and organized and used time well?
Did the presenter speak clearly?
Could you hear the presenter?
Did the presenter handle questions well and deal well with interruptions or problems in the classroom?
Were the presenter’s materials (handouts, visual aids) helpful and clear?
Select a rating from 1-10 with 1 indicating "very poor" and 10 indicating "outstanding". 0 indicates no rating.
Overall Evaluation
Select a rating from 1-10 with 1 indicating "very poor" and 10 indicating "outstanding". 0 indicates no rating.